Rely on our experts and tools to identify, design and manufacture a packaging solution tailored to your requirements.
Are you looking for the most suitable package for your applications? With many years of experience in the field of integrated circuit (IC) packaging under its belt, imec.IC-link can assist you with both selection and production.
Our packaging experts are skilled in a variety of IC packaging solutions: from leadframe and substrate packages to multi-chip modules and wafer-level packaging. A sample of our offering:
Thanks to our partnerships with top-class outsourced semiconductor and test companies (OSATs), you have access to a wide portfolio of packaging solutions for your ASICs.
Imec.IC-link leverages its accurate design process and careful analysis expertise to provide you with a robust and reliable package design. Because of our tightly integrated system workflow, we get your design right the first time.
Your package design starts with a feasibility study that accomplishes an understanding of the complexity of the project. Even at this very early phase, we carry out simulations to come up with an accurate analysis and practical recommendations.
We carefully review both pre- and post-simulation analysis with you. This ensures that all related design aspects are covered, and all requirements have been met.
The leading-edge tool that we use for package layout and electrical simulations allows us to perform co-design, accomplishing seamless design optimization and performance analysis.
We rely on the industry’s leading-edge simulation tool and our wide experience in electrical simulations to provide you with accurate IC package electrical models and results: